FAQ Facelift

What is a facelift?

Facelift is a surgical procedure which “tightens” your facial skin to counteract the effects of aging. With aging, your facial skin may become saggy and loose. During the facelift procedure, the excess skin on your face is removed, restoring a youthful, natural appearance.

What is a mini facelift?

Mini facelift only focuses on the lower third of your face. Incisions are made around your ears, and excess skin is removed, “tightening” the rest of your facial skin.

What is a full facelift?

A full facelift addresses a wider part of your body. Unlike a mini facelift, which will only focus on your mouth and jaw area, a full facelift can improve the appearance from your neck to the eyebrows.

Can anyone get a facelift?

As long as you’re eligible for the surgery itself, anyone at any age can get a facelift. Make sure you share your medical history and any previous or present health conditions with doctor Danau.

How long does the facelift procedure take?

Doctor Danau performs this procedure under local anesthesia. The surgery will take up to 3 hours.

After the operation, you might experience some side effects from the local anesthesia (dizziness), and you will experience swelling on your face. The swelling will go away after 10-14 days, that’s when you’ll be able to return to work and normal life.

Is facelift the same as Botox?

No. These are two completely different procedures.

Botox injections are quick, and can be done right in the surgeon’s office. Facelift procedures are much more lasting, as the excess skin is removed surgically and your muscles are rearranged to give you a more youthful appearance.

Does a facelift leave scars?

Yes, but most scars fade away within 3-6 months after the procedure.

How many times can you have a facelift?

As many as you like, as long as it’s what you want. Given you’re a good candidate for a facelift, the procedure should provide satisfactory results for 4-12 years to come.

How long does swelling last after a facelift?

Significant swelling should go away within 10-14 days. That’s when you’ll start feeling comfortable enough to get back to work and get out into the public. Any minor swelling remaining after that time period should go away after 3-8 weeks.

Is the facelift recovery painful?

Facelift recovery rarely causes severe pain. Some soreness is to be expected during the initial couple of weeks as the swelling goes away and your body heals up. To reduce the pain, you can take Ibuprofen and Paracetamol.

Make an appointment

Contact Dr. Wim Danau to make an appointment. Together you can discuss your wishes, plans and the possibilities in all discretion.