FAQ Breast Augmentation

Can I still breastfeed after breast augmentation?

The implant is placed under the glandular tissue or under the pectoralis muscle and therefore the surgery does not affect the functioning of the mammary glands. Please note that not every woman can breastfeed; if it cannot be done before surgery, there is little chance that it can be done after surgery.

How long do I take off from work after breast augmentation?

When you can return to work depends on the type of work you do. If you do lighter work physically, you can start again after two weeks. With physically strenuous efforts and lifting, you will have to wait a little longer. Therefore, the period will be longer (from four weeks), if you are doing more physically demanding work.

Will scars remain visible after breast augmentation?

After breast augmentation, small scars remain in the breast fold. These scars remain red and visible, especially in the beginning. After about a year, the scars present have turned into a thin line.

Can I still do breast examination after breast augmentation?

With the implants we use at Clinic Dr. Wim Danau, it is even easier to detect something abnormal during a breast examination. The current implants are so flexible that you can now feel them. Due to the fact that these are placed under the pectoral muscle, you can more easily discover something abnormal. But then of course you need to do regular breast exams (self-examination) and have them done (as generally recommended).

Make an appointment

Contact Dr. Wim Danau to make an appointment. Together you can discuss your wishes, plans and the possibilities in all discretion.