FAQ Breast Lift

What does a breast lift do?

A breast lift is a plastic surgery procedure to correct sagging breasts. Excess skin and fatty tissue are removed and the nipples are raised. Unlike a breast reduction the aim of a breast lift is not to reduce the size of the breasts, but to restore the contour of the breasts.

Can a breast lift be combined with implants?

Yes, a breast lift can be combined with breast implants. Your breasts are not only lifted, but also enlarged by the implant. This combination of procedures is often considered when the patient not only wants to improve the contour of her breasts, but also wants more volume.

How long is the recovery after a breast lift?

You will have to take it easy the first day after the operation, but after two days you can do light housework and administrative work again. If you have a sedentary job you will be able to return to work after a week. Your body is still recovering, but you should have enough energy to do your work again. If you have a physically demanding job, it is advisable to consult with Dr. Danau when you can resume your work.

The full recovery after a breast lift is approximately 6 weeks. During this period you should avoid physical exertion and (heavy) lifting as much as possible. After 6 weeks you will no longer notice any obstacles and you can resume all your activities.

Is a breast lift painful?

In general a breast lift is not very painful. The pain you feel can be compared to muscle pain and can be controlled with paracetamol. It is normal to experience some degree of discomfort and pain for the first few days but the pain subsides relatively quickly.

Make an appointment

Contact Dr. Wim Danau to make an appointment. Together you can discuss your wishes, plans and the possibilities in all discretion.